Science with Mr. Cairey

 May 16-20, 2011
This week in science class the students will continue Chapter 3, Finding Out About the Past. Tuesday the class will finish the paleontology project. Wednesday the class will be at the IMAX field trip. Thursday the class will read and discuss topic 4. Test next week on Chapter 3. Friday the school has outdoor athletic events known as Field Day. 

Mr. Cairey’s Science Update

 May 2-5, 2011

This week in science class the students will continue Chapter 3, Finding Out About the Past. Tuesday the class will read about clues that are used from the past to answer questions about animals that lived long ago, imprint fossils pages 52-55. Thursday the class will begin to review and practice some science Stanford type questions. Thursday the topic is Earth Science. Friday the topic will be Earth and Physical Science.  

 April 11-15, 2011
This week in science class the students will begin Chapter 12. Tuesday the class will go over the CH. 11 Test results.  Wednesday and Thursday the class will discuss how the heart and lungs work together page 260-268. Friday the class will have quiz to complete Chapter 12.

April 4- April 8

This week in science class the students will complete Ch. 11, Your Heart and Lungs, and have a Test on Wednesday. Tuesday the class will finish reading the chapter and discuss Asthma. Wednesday the class will Take the Test. Thursday the class will go over the Test results. Friday the class will work out in the garden. 

March 28- April 1, 2011

This week in science class the students will continue Ch. 11, Your Heart and Lungs, Test next week. Tuesday and Wednesday the class work graphing the results after measuring the lung capacity of the students. Thursday the class will discuss oxygen in water and measure the school pond. Friday the class will finish reading the chapter and discuss Asthma. Test next week

March 21-March 25

This week in science class the students will continue Ch. 11, Your Heart and Lungs. Tuesday the class will read about what parts make up human blood. pages 242-249.  Wednesday the class will discuss how our lungs work. Thursday and Friday the class will work on an activity measuring lung capacity and graphing the results.

           February 28 -March 4, 2011

This week in science class the students will begin a new Unit. Unit 6, titled Heart and Lungs. Tuesday the class will go over the results from the Test on Friday. Wednesday the class will discuss that the heart is a muscle and the students will listen to their own pulse using a stethoscope. Thursday the class will read about what parts make up human blood. Friday the class will discuss how our lungs work. 

February 21-25, 2011
This week in science class the students will complete Chapter 2, Water for Plants and have a TEST on Friday. Tuesday the class will discuss different types of weather during different seasons, pages 32-37. Wednesday the class will read and discuss water as a natural resource. Thursday the class will finish all the readings and have a vocabulary quiz and the results sent home. 

Test on Friday.February 7- 11, 2011
This week in science class the students will complete Chapter 1 Plants and Their Parts, Test on Thursday.  Tuesday the class will complete the reading and vocabulary words and definitions. Wednesday the class will discuss the habitats of different plants. pages 18-23. Test on Thursday. The class will go over the Test results on Friday

February 1- 4, 2011
This week in science class the students will complete Chapter 1 Plants and Their Parts, Test on Friday.  Tuesday the class will discuss seeds and plant some seeds. Wednesday the class will complete the reading and vocabulary words and definitions. Thursday the class will discuss the habitats of different plants. pages 18-23. Test on Friday.

Jan. 18- 21, 2011

This week in science class the students will complete Chapter 9, Needs of Living Things and have a TEST on Wednesday. Tuesday the class will finish reading the chapter and correct the vocabulary words and definition (6 words). Wednesday the class will take the Test. Thursday the class will discuss the results. Friday the class will study the class beetles.


Jan. 10- 14, 2011

This week in science class the students will continue Chapter 9, Needs of Living Things. Tuesday the class will read and discuss pages 202-207, predator and prey animals.  Wednesday the class will discuss life cycles of living things. Thursday the class will study the life cycles of darkling beetles. Friday the class will take home their long term project to study the life cycle of beetles.  The Chapter 9 Test will be scheduled for next week.


Jan. 4- 7, 2011
This week in science class the students will learn about the topic of Earth Science, Chapter 9.  Needs of Living Things. Tuesday the class will classify photos of animals using their own system. Wednesday the class will focus on what a habitat is and some different types of habitats found in our world.  Thursday the class will view on video three types of habitats. (a pond, forest and backyard). Friday the class will read and discuss pages 195-201, the needs of living things. 

Dec. 13-17, 2010
This week in science class the students will complete Chapter 10, Making a home in a Canyon and have a Test on Thursday, December 16th.   Tuesday the topic is caves and guano. Wednesday the class will check their vocabulary list and discuss the review questions. Thursday the class will complete the Test. Friday the class will discuss the Test results.

This week in science class the students will continue Chapter 10, Making a home in a Canyon. The Test for Chapter 10 will be next week Thursday, December 16th. Tuesday the class will finish the last rock collection presentations and then have a book read to the class about the cycle a rock goes through over time. Wednesday the class will complete the weathering activity. Thursday the topic is caves and guano. Friday the class will discuss cave habitats.

Nov. 8-12, 2010
This week in science class the students will begin Chapter 8 Forces and Magnets. Tuesday the students receive their TEST results. Wednesday the class will read about the different poles of magnets. Thursday the class will make some magnetic fields pictures. Friday the class will finish reading the Chapter 8 the Test will be next early week.

Nov. 1-5, 2010
This week in science class the students will complete Chapter 7 Forces and Machines and have a TEST on Friday. Tuesday the class will discuss Levers pages 160-165. Wednesday the class will use a spring scale on a ramp and complete the Vocabulary words and definitions. Thursday the class will be assigned the Chapter Review page 174 #1-10. Test on Friday.

Oct. 25-29, 2010
This week in science class the students will continue the topic Forces and Machines, Chapter 7.  Tuesday the class will discuss that a force is a push or a pull, pages 146-153. Wednesday the class will read and discuss how friction can slow rolling things, pages 154-159. Thursday and Friday the class will roll tennis balls on different surfaces and experiment which surface is slower.          
Oct. 18-22, 2010
This week in science class the students will begin the topic Forces and Machines, Chapter 7. Tuesday the class will use a lever to move a plastic chip using a force. Wednesday the class will read and discuss how the lever works and the parts to a lever 162-165. Thursday the class will discuss how a ramp can help to do work. Friday the class will measure how far a toy car rolls on a smooth surface compared to a rough surface.

Oct. 11-15, 2010
This week in science class the students will complete Chapter 6, Light and Sound. The TEST for Ch. 6 will be on Wednesday Oct. 13th.  Tuesday the class will discuss high and low pitch and the vocabulary words and definitions, (5 total) are due. Wednesday the class will take the Test. Thursday the class will go over the results. Friday the class will view a video on how human vocal cords produce sound.

Mr. Cairey’s Science Update           

Second Grade

Oct. 4-8, 2010
This week in science class the students will continue Chapter 6, Light and Sound. The TEST for Ch. 6 will be on Wednesday Oct. 20th of next week.  Tuesday the class will read and discuss the phases of the moon and the history of lunar exploration. Wednesday the class will feel sound and discuss that matter has to vibrate to make sound. Thursday the class will explore vibrations that change and that makes the sound change to high or low pitch.  Friday the class will complete their vocabulary words and definitions, (5 total).  

September 20- 24, 2010
This week in science class the students will begin Chapter 6, Light and Sound. Tuesday the class will discuss the results from the first science test. Parents look for the Test document in their back packs all 70‘s and lower have to be signed and the front page of the test returned. Wednesday the class is light energy from the sun and other stars. Thursday and Friday the class will experiment with how light travels and light reflection. 

September 13- 16, 2010

This week in science the class will complete Chapter 5 Heat and have a TEST on Thursday. The new vocabulary words are: heat, temperature, measure, thermometer, and fuel. Tuesday the class will read and discuss topic 2 pages 106-111 and complete worksheet page 15. Wednesday the class will complete the Chapter 5 Review page 114 #1-10. Thursday the class will complete the TEST.

September 7- 10, 2010

This week in science the class will begin Chapter 5 Heat, the new vocabulary words are: heat, temperature, measure, thermometer, and fuel. Each student is to keep a vocabulary word list and their definitions for each Chapter. This list is to be used to study all the new terms. The list will be graded at the end of the each chapter.

Tuesday the class will read and discuss where other sources of heat can be found and how fuel is needed to produce heat. Wednesday the class will test containers to see which type (paper, aluminum, or styrofoam) allows heat to move through the best. Thursday the class will read and discuss topic 2 pages 106-111. Friday the class will add the vocabulary words to their journals.