Spelling, Vocabulary, and High Frequency Words

APRIL 18- APRIL 21: This week we are reading Unit 6, Week 2: Red, White, and Blue: The Story of the American Flag in our reading textbook.  Our spelling words this week focus on abbreviations and understanding when they are capitalized.  This should be an easy week! It is also a short week: no school Friday, so spelling test on Thursday!

SPELLING:Ave., Dr., Mrs., Nov., Jan., Aug., St., Rd., Blvd., Jr., Mon., Wed., U.S.A
AMAZING WORDS:athlete, challenge, effort, dainty, champion, professional, shortstop
VOCABULARY WORDS:bases, cheers, field, plate, sailed, threw

APRIL 11- APRIL 15: This week we are beginning Unit 6, Week 1 in reading street.  Our spelling words this week focus on inflected endings, such as -ies, -ing, -es.
SPELLING:cries, judging, happiest, driving, replied, hurrying, studies, enjoyed, skated, using
AMAZING WORDS:athlete, challenge, effort, dainty, champion, professional, shortstop
VOCABULARY WORDS:bases, cheers, field, plate, sailed, threw

April 4 - April 8
Spelling Words: talking, cause, because, chalk, automobile, fault, crawling, daughter, August, awkward, audience, launch, applause, bald, caught

March 28- April 1
No new spelling or vocabulary words this week due to wax museum and Stanford Test practice.  Students will be tested on last week's words this Friday.  

March 21-March 25
Spelling Wordstough, enough, pickle, duckling, thicken, trophy, backtrack, clang, photograph, laugh
Amazing Words: appreciate, communicate, respect, demand, firmly, advantage, defiant, ferocious
Vocabulary Words:adventure, climbed, clubhouse, exploring, greatest, truest, wondered

Spelling Words
February 28-March 4
design, lamb, knock, wrong, honeycomb, knob, signing, plumber, wrestler, gnawing, wrench, climbed, wrinkle, cologne, crumb
Amazing Words: behavior, cooperate, obedient, companion, consider, reprimand, confident, properly
Vocabulary Words:chased, chewing, dripping, grabbed, practice, treat, wagged

Spelling Words: Spelling Words: 
February 21- February 25
This week we are reading "Carl the Complainer" (Unit 5 Week 2).  Our spelling words this week focus on prefixes such as pre-, un-, and dis-.  
Spelling words:
unsafe, preheat, disappear, preschool, reunion, disagree, rewind, retie, unplug, unfortunate, disable, prehistoric

Spelling and vocabulary words for February 14-February 18 will be the same as the previous week due to Valentine's Day and our field trip on the 18th.  

Spelling Words: Spelling Words: 
February 7 - February 11
This week we are reading “ Firefighter."  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on endings such as -ful, -ly.

  • cheerful
  • slowly
  • extremely
  • quickly
  • hardly
  • weekly
  • careful
  • gardener
  • yearly
  • visitor

Amazing Words: community, responsible, teamwork, operation, instrument, caretaker, lug, supplies
Story Words: station, building, roar, masks, quickly, tightly, burning, fireproof, hydrant, outriggers

Spelling Words: Spelling Words: 
January 31-February 4
This week we are reading “The First Tortilla."  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on the /u/ sound as it is heard in the following words:
  • jewel
  • flew
  • suitcase
  • Tuesday
  • threw
  • bruise
  • raccoon
  • juice
  • clue
  • shampoo
Amazing Words: condition, predict, terrifying, breeze, whip, sparkle, funnel, swirl
Story Words: awaken, cliffs, mountain, prize, rainbow, suffer, volcano

January 24-28
This week we are reading “The Night the Moon Fell."  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on dividing words into 2 syllables.
  • complain
  • simply
  • explain
  • laughter
  • improve
  • address
  • control
  • sandwich
  • hundred
  • farther
  • monster
  • dolphin
Vocabulary Words: balance, canyon, rattle,coral,slivers, whisper, sway
Amazing Words: unexpected, quiver, adjust, landmark, tease

Spelling Words:

January 10 - January 14
This week we are reading “A Life Cycle of a Pumpkin."  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on the /u/ sound as it is spelled using oo, u
  • footstep
  • bullfrog
  • understood
  • crook
  • pudding
  • cushion
  • shook
  • pushed
  • stood
  • put
Vocabulary Words: harvest, root, smooth, vine, soil, tendrils, wither, cycle, fruit
Amazing Words: adapt, annual, nutrients, bury, undisturbed, ancient, massive, sprout

Spelling Words: 
December 13- December 17
This week we are reading “A Weed is a Flower."  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on adding -er, -est, -iest to the end of words.
  • prettier
  • prettiest
  • lazier
  • laziest
  • busier
  • busiest
  • sweeter
  • sweetest
  • friendlier
  • friendliest
  • sooner
  • soonest
  • smaller
  • smallest

High Frequency Words: been, believe, caught, finally, today, tomorrow, whatever
Amazing Words: college, laboratory, agriculture, greenhouse, excel, process, research, opportunity, accomplish, original, scientist, unusal

No SPELLING or High Frequency Words the week of November 22nd due to the short week.  Enjoy Thanksgiving break!!

Spelling Words: 
November 15-November 19
 This week we are reading “Dear Juno."  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on the long o sound as it is spelled (oa, ow). 
  • moment
  • croak
  • ocean
  • blown
  • postcard
  • growth
  • strolled
  • oath
  • unfolded
  • roam
  • mower
  • window
High Frequency Words: picture, school, answer, faraway, parents, wash, company
Amazing Words: transport, deaf, imitate, cove, sign language, correspond, postage, persimmons
Spelling Words: 
November 15-November 19
This week we are reading “Anansi Goes Fishing."  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on compound words (putting 2 words together to form a new word).
  • brainstorm
  • someone
  • wherever
  • thunderstorm
  • dishwasher
  • neighborhood
  • faraway
  • lightweight
  • butterscotch
  • raindrop
  • mailbox
  • rattlesnake
  • earthquake

High Frequency Words: been, believe, caught, finally, today, tomorrow, whatever
Amazing Words: consume, prey, shrewd, boast, gloat, snicker, contentment, cure, incident

No SPELLING or High Frequency Words the week of November 22nd due to the short week.  Enjoy Thanksgiving break!!

Spelling Words: 
November 15-November 19
 This week we are reading “Dear Juno."  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on the long o sound as it is spelled (oa, ow). 
  • moment
  • croak
  • ocean
  • blown
  • postcard
  • growth
  • strolled
  • oath
  • unfolded
  • roam
  • mower
  • window
High Frequency Words: picture, school, answer, faraway, parents, wash, company
Amazing Words: transport, deaf, imitate, cove, sign language, correspond, postage, persimmons
Spelling Words: 

November 8-November 12
  • barely
  • anything
  • teasing
  • detail
  • squeak
  • recess
  • fifteen
  • speech
  • infinity
  • please

High Frequency Words: won, watch, village, science, shoe, guess, pretty
Amazing Words: robot, wad, trash, electricity, construct, contraption, sidekick, unique

This week we are reading “One Good Turn Deserves Another.”  Please practice our new spelling words, high frequency words, and amazing words.  Our spelling words this week focus on the long a sound as it is spelled (ay, ai, and eigh).

  • explain
  • raise
  • brain
  • remain
  • neighbor
  • weight
  • spray
  • playing
  • away
  • tray
  • stayed
  • display
  • fainted
  • holiday
  • eight

High Frequency Words: behind, brought, minute, promise, sorry, everybody, door
Amazing Words: ramp, conflict, pursue, resolve, deserve, mope, ramp, startle, groaned,  armadillo, snorted, grateful

Spelling Words: 

November 1-November 5
Spelling Words

October 25, 2010-October 29, 2010

This week we are reading “Bremen Town Musicians.”  Please practice our new spelling words and word wall words.  Spelling words this week focus on adding the correct plural ending (-s, -es, -ies).

Spelling Words

October 25, 2010-October 29, 2010

  • switch
  • switches
  • story
  • stories
  • grocery
  • groceries
  • supplies
  • lunch
  • lunches
  • crumbs
  • torches
  • berries
  • bushes
  • peaches
  • carries
High Frequency Words: sign, probably, shall, people, bought, pleasant, scared
Amazing Words: survival, miserable, struggling, mill, partnership

October 18, 2010-October 22, 2010
This week we are reading “Scarcity.”  Please practice our new spelling words and word wall words.  Spelling words this week focus on r controlled vowels.

Spelling Words
  • hurt
  • swirl
  • monster
  • survive
  • birth
  • corner
  • yesterday
  • perfect
  • nurse
  • verse
  • burger
  • summer
  • curtain
High Frequency Words: ago, above, enough, toward, whole, world
Amazing Words: consumers, producers, hurricanes, extraordinary,typical, resources, scarcity, decisions

October 11, 2010-October 15, 2010
This week we are reading “Abraham Lincoln.”  Please practice our new spelling words and word wall words.  Spelling words this week focus on contractions (ex: were + not = weren't)
Spelling Words
  • they're
  • couldn't
  • I'll
  • aren't
  • we're
  • doesn't
  • what's
  • where's
  • weren't
  • wouldn't
  • haven't
  • who'd
  • they'll
High Frequency Words: worst, certainly, laugh, either, you're, second, great
Amazing Words: significant, identify, participate, ingenious

October 4, 2010-October 8, 2010
This week we are reading “Tara and Tiree, Fearless Friends.”  Please practice our new spelling words and word wall words.
Spelling Words
  • border
  • forgot
  • born
  • horse
  • before
  • more
  • stories
  • farmer
  • porch
  • tornado
  • chore
  • cardinal
  • therefore
  • morning
High Frequency Words: break, family, heard, listen, once, pull
Amazing Words:collar, slipped, brave, courageous, hazard, rescue, avalanche, instinct, skittish, blustery, fast-paced

September 27, 2010- October 1, 2010
Parents: This week we will be reading The Strongest One.  Please practice the following spelling, amazing words (vocabulary), and high frequency words on a DAILY basis.  

Spelling Words
  • bunch
  • that
  • wish
  • patch
  • when
  • what
  • math
  • them
  • shape
  • whale
  • itch
  • chase
  • whiskers
  • switch
  • shrimp
 High Frequency Words: gone, learn, often, pieces, though, together, very

Amazing Words: narrator, relatives, dangerous, gnaws, delicate, inquire, sturdy, exhibit, resist, stun, genius, satisfaction

September 20, 2010- September 24, 2010
Parents: This week we will be reading the nonfiction story, A Walk in the Desert.  Please practice the following spelling, amazing words (vocabulary), and high frequency words on a DAILY basis.  

Spelling Words
·        talked
·        talking
·        dropped
·        dropping
·        excited
·        exciting
·        lifted
·        lifting
·        hugged
·        hugging
·        smiled
·        smiling
·        dragging
·        amazed
High Frequency Words               
  • animals                                 
  • early                                     
  • eyes                                      
  • full                                        
  • water                                    
  • warm                                   
Amazing Words
  • desert
  • climate
  • harsh
  • coyote
  • arid
  • precipitation
  • dunes
  • cactus
  • coyote

September 13, 2010- September 16, 2010
Spelling Words:
1.  stop                  9.  mask
2.  strap                 9.  twin
3.  nest                 10.  breeze
4.  hand                11.  state
5.  brave               12. browse
6.  ask                   13.  straight (BONUS)
7.  clip                  14.  skeleton (BONUS)
8.  stream                 
High Frequency Words                Amazing Words
  • bear                                         - shivered
  • build                                        - drooled
  • couldn't                                    - lanterns
  • father                                      - snuggled
  • love                                         - galaxy
  • mother                                     - fascinating
  • straight
September 7, 2010- September 10, 2010
Spelling Words:
1.  tune                  
2.  page                 9.  cube
3.  nose                10.  blaze
4.  space              11.  home
5.  size                 12. vote
6.  fine                 13.  erase 
7.  mice               14.  confuse
8.  late                 15.  spice
High Frequency Words                      Vocabulary Words
  • everywhere                              - astronaut
  • live                                          - shuttle
  • machines                                  - experiment
  • move                                       - telescope
  • woman                                     - gravity
  • work
  • world

August 30, 2010 - September 3, 2010

1.  rock
2.  list
3.  desk
4.  job
5.  sad
6.  chop
7.  sack
8.  tag
9.  rib
10.  mess
11. dust
12.  drum